Stateless Nations and Digital Identity Construction: The Case of the Hazara of Hazaristan Under Microscope

Master thesis Kamran Mir Hazar This master thesis investigates the importance and challenges of digital identity construction for the stateless nations, takes the qualitative case study as the research approach, and examines the case of the Hazara of Hazaristan to give a novel and in-depth insight into the issue.First, it looks into background literature to […]

World Poetry Movement Hazaristan

Kamran Mir Hazar Talk at the Asian Congress of the World Poetry Movement Dear Fellow Poets in Asia and Across the Globe, Dear Coordinators of the World Poetry Movement, and Directors of International Poetry FestivalsFirst, I would like to pay my respect to all Hazara victims of ongoing genocide, ethnic cleansing, forced displacement, and discrimination. […]

قهرمان افسانه بند امیر یک جوان هزاره بود

قهرمان #افسانه#بند_امیر یک جوان #هزاره است که #اژدها را در هم می کوبد؛ #پلنگان را از پای در می آورد و بر #دریا، بند ذخیر آب می سازد. او #سلسال/ #صلصال نام دارد و عاشق #شهمامه دختر حاکم وقت خود می شود. حاکم هزاره برای اینکه سلسال بتواند با شهمامه وصلت کند این سه شرط را برای او گذاشته بود. این روایت در کتاب حکایات و روایات داکترعنایت الله شهرانی […]

نامه سرگشاده شاعران جهان خطاب به مردم هزاره، سازمان های حقوق بشر، اداره های مهاجرت و رهبران سیاسی جهان

ما شاعران از کشورهای مختلف جهان، خطاب به مردم هزاره، همبستگی کامل خود را با جنبش های مدنی و فرهنگی شما اعلام می کنیم. ما می دانیم که شما قربانی جنایات سیستماتیک به شمول نسل کشی، برده داری، کوچ اجباری، تبعیض و اشغال سرزمین تان هزارستان می باشید. با این وجود، مانند جنبش هایی که […]

An Open Letter from the Poets World-wide to the Hazara, Civil and Human Rights Organizations, Immigration Authorities, and World Leaders

We poets from around the world, proclaim to the Hazara people, that we are in full solidarity with your civic and cultural movements to protect your human rights. We are aware that you are victims of systematic crimes, including genocide, slavery, forced displacement, discrimination, and the invasion of your homeland, Hazaristan. However, like the movements […]

لشکر 110000 کوچی عبدالرحمان تکثیر شده، کوچی طالبان قرن 21 می باشند

طالب نکتایی پوش اشرف غنی احمدزی که یکی از سران معنوی کوچی می باشد، نمونه ی تمام عیار یک هیپوکراتیک است. او در دانشگاه غرجستان وقتی از تاریخ فیض محمد کاتب هزاره و جنگ های عبدالرحمان صحبت می کند، از هزارستان (هزاره جات) نام نمی برد و آن را افغانستان مرکزی می نامد. هزارستان در […]

مشکلات قومی و بحث‌های زبانی

گفتگوی بخش دری رادیو فرانسه با کامران میرهزار سردبیر کابل پرس CulAfgh (08:53)    

Does this poem have the power to leave the palace?

By Kamran Mir Hazar Published on (May 14th, 2010) Kabul 2007; I remember when I was invited accidently to a literary meeting in Afghanistan’s presidential palace. A man working for the president cultural adviser phoned me to say that President Hamid Karzai had invited more than 200 poets and they would be happy for me […]

Back to the primitive past: Pashtuns stoning, trampling with horses and burning their victims with impunity

By Kamran Mir Hazar and Vikki Riley | Darwin, Australia Published in Kabul Press(Tuesday 31 January 2012) A new documentary made by Hazara director Ali Mohammadi, seen by Kabul Press shows a hitherto previously unseen dimension to the spectre of Pashtun Kuch   is crimes against Hazaras in Behsood and Daimirdad district of Maidan province in […]

Censorship in Afghanistan: Death to journalists

By Robert Maier Published in Kabul Press (Thursday 11 March 2010) Since the beginning of the Karzai regime in 2002, twenty Afghan journalists have been murdered, and more than 200 violent physical attacks against journalists have been logged. Scores have fled Afghanistan after receiving threats against them and their families. Journalists have been sentenced to […]